I have loved martial arts since I was a child. I tried judo but didn’t like it. I then tried karate and did that for 5 years. I then stopped for a very long time, rediscovering it a few years ago in the form of Muay Thai, also known as Thai Boxing. Generally considered the most effective of all striking martial arts, Muay Thai will also get you in the best shape of your life. A good gym will structure its classes as a form of high intensity interval training, with 3 to 5 minute rounds of intense work separated by 30 seconds of “rest” (which usually includes some push ups or body squats). I cannot recommend it enough. If, like for me, going to the gym to “pick things up and put things down” isn’t your idea of fun, try this martial art. There are so many aspects to master you likely won’t get bored quickly. I especially recommend finding a gym that puts an emphasis on clinching, which is almost a separate sport on its own.